Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dr Champ: Finishing Note

So I marathon-ed the 16 episode Dr Champ and it was light, fluffy and so much fun to watch.

Not as emotionally heavy as like Secret Garden, but defiantly more put together than My Princess. A medical-Judo drama was not something I would expect, but it worked well in creating a unique story line. I learnt some stuff about Judo too.

It was enjoyable but not perfect. In some places I did find it lacking such as a few loose ends and not fully concluding some plot lines. AND I did find the supporting romance a bit of  a drag...

BUT Yeon Woo and Ji Heon where very good together. I expecially like Ji heon... even when I was originally rooting for Do Wook, I found my self very quickly warming to Ji Heon.

There were also great bromance moments and guys with no shirts on. Look a photo with both...

So the final verdict is good. I recommend you watch it for something entertaining and light~

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