Monday, June 6, 2011

So Far: Best Love

So it's after finishing episode 10 that I realize how personally invested I am in this drama.
I am beyond saving.
Yes I made this because I have no life. 
And i'm also worried as going by the Hong Sisters trend this is were you hit a rough patch. The thing is they go through this whole story and the characters only get back together at the last episode, if that. I really hope they don't do what they did in MGIAG (and 49 days) and leave the whole will she won't she die thing to the last 10 minutes and then have a deus ex machina ending. I know that can't happen in this drama as it is not fantasy, but I really don't want them to leave the will he won't he die till the last episode (even though I know he won't). I really like to see characters established after they finally get together i.e they do end up living happily ever after. This was done best in Personal taste, where you see the proposal and even though it was fan service, the married life of Yoon Hee and Sun Joon was very cute.

My heart aches for Pil Joo, Se Ri just ins't good enough for a consolation prize. I hope she does change though. 
As for Dokko Jin, if he dies I swear I will never watch another hong sisters drama again (after 49 days I just don't know anymore...) It breaks my heart for how he is in a way accepting his fate. At first I didn’t like how badly Dokko Jin beat up the manager, and putting his carear in jeopardy for a stupid reason, but then I understood why he did it, because if he might die he might as well give the manager all he deserves for what he did to Ae Jung. If his career is going to end when he dies anyway, DK has got nothing to lose when he defends Ae Jung's honor.

I feel that Hong sisters drama are always better for dialogue because there are a lot of things I would love to see but they just don't include: 
-Ae Jung singing again and working on her new album, there must be other things in her life than Pil Joo and Dokko Jin
-I would have liked to see more of the couple making competition, and dates especially with the other celebrity women. 
-More of a back story between Se Ri and Dokko Jin, they must of liked each other at some point?

Like right now interms of plot I prefer Romance Town and Baby Faced Beauty just a bit more, but overall  Best love's way above and Dokko Jin for the win!

So three weeks to go! Drama *fighting*keke

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